Friday, December 09, 2005

Warner Norcross and Judd Job/Scholarship Opportunity

TO: Boston College APALSA First-Year Students Interested In Summer Positions

And/Or Scholarship Money

Warner Norcross & Judd offers the rare combination of a sophisticated practice with time outside of the office to enjoy the rest of life. It is a firm that is deeply committed to diversity, and to increasing the number of minorities in the legal profession. Two Boston College minority law students will join Warner Norcross in 2006: Jennie Santos (Class of 2005) and Jennifer Nichols (Class of 2006).

I encourage you to visit the diversity section on our web site at I further encourage you to apply for our $5000 minority scholarship that is awarded each year to a minority law student. You need not clerk with our firm to be eligible for the scholarship. Information on the scholarship and an application can be found on our web site, and will be updated at the beginning of the year.

Warner Norcross is one of only two firms in Michigan, and one of only 115 firms in the nation to be named in America’s Greatest Places To Work With A Law Degree. 40% of our attorneys are listed in The Best Lawyers In America, one of the highest percentages of listed attorneys for any firm. Last year the firm was named one of the “101 West Michigan Best and Brightest Companies to Work For” by the Michigan Business & Professional Association. We have been recognized as one of the nation’s most tech savvy law firms according to a survey conducted by BTI Consulting Group.

Warner Norcross & Judd is one of the nation’s largest firms, but we differ from most large law firms in significant ways. We allow both summer associates and associates to choose their own areas of practice, rather than slotting them into groups of the firm’s choosing. Our lockstep compensation system eliminates the divisive internal competition for clients and billable hours that is so common in law firms with bonus incentives. This allows us to deliver excellent and efficient client service without having to compete with colleagues to deliver it, and gives the firm a much more collegial atmosphere than can be found at most large firms. Our billable and non-billable commitment of 2000 hours is reasonable and allows for a life outside of the firm. The cost of housing in Michigan is extremely affordable, and allows our associates to buy houses within a short drive of the office.

As a summer associate at Warner Norcross, you won’t be bored and you won’t be stuck in the library. Our program allows you to explore all areas of our practice and does not limit you to one or two practice groups. Work assignments are channeled through a central system to ensure that you will get work from a variety of practice areas, including the areas in which you have an interest or want to try out for the summer. You will attend training programs that teach you some of the practical skills that you aren’t taught in law school. At the end of the summer, you will have met most of the people in the firm, not just a handful of attorneys in one practice group.

We recruit our summer associates on a nationwide basis from dozens of law schools. Our attorneys possess credentials that rival those of attorneys in leading national law firms. Most had alternative offers to bigger firms in bigger cities, but they came to Warner Norcross for the quality of our practice and client base, for our firm policies that foster collegiality and balance, and for the exceptional quality of life in Michigan. That combination is difficult, if not impossible, to find in a large law firm.

If you would like to apply for a summer clerkship in any of our four offices, please send your cover letter, resume and a copy of your law school transcript to:

Cathleen Meriwether, Director

Lawyer Recruitment and Development

900 Fifth Third Center

111 Lyon Street, N.W.

Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503-2487


Fax: 616-222-2295

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

1L Minority Reception in Seattle (Jan. 4)

On January 4th, 2006, from 5-7 PM, Preston Gates & Ellis will be hosting a reception for all first-year minority law students in Seattle, WA. Some of the other participants for this event include Perkins Coie, Heller Ehrman and Dorsey & Whitney. This event promises to be an excellent networking opportunity for law students, as it will be open to all attorneys and legal representatives from the participating firms and the Seattle legal community.

For more information contact:

Dana Mills
Recruiting Administrator
Preston|Gates|Ellis LLP
925 Fourth Avenue, Suite 2900
Seattle, WA 98104

Federal Reserve Bank of NY 2006 Summer Law Clerk Program

The Legal Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York will be recruiting first year law students to participate in the Law Clerk Program for the summer of 2006. Our summer law program occurs over a ten-week period and is limited to four positions. We are seeking applicants with intellect, creativity, and drive. We look for candidates that possess outstanding academic records, evidence of strong research and writing skills, relevant work experience, an interest and commitment to public sector employment, maturity, and personal achievement.

Applications, résumés, transcripts, and writing samples should be mailed to my attention to the address provided below or sent via email to All applicants must be available for in-Bank interviews which will be conducted during the months of January, February, and March.

Dana Woop
Legal Department
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
33 Liberty Street
New York, NY 10045
212-720-7927 (telephone)
212-720-8709 (fax)

For more information, see:
NALP form
Legal function resume
Employment listing

Friday, December 02, 2005

Summer Law Institute in Seoul, Korea

Fordham University Law School and Sungkyunkwan University College of Law are pleased to co-sponsor the first annual Summer Law Institute, a three week academic program in international and comparative law in Seoul, Korea.

Students may enroll in three credit hours by taking one of the following courses: International Human Rights Law, International Litigation and Arbitration, International Business Transactions. These courses will be taught in English by Fordham faculty and the program will also offer optional Korean language lessons for those students interested in learning some basic Korean. Students will be able to enroll in three credit hours during the program, and the courses qualify for credit toward the J.D. degree.

Following the program, students who would like to stay on for legal internships at Samsung Corporation’s general counsel, the Korean supreme and constitutional courts, and human rights organizations, as well as some paid summer associate positions at leading Korean law firms, will have the opportunity to do so under the auspices of the Institute's non-credit internship program. Program students will also tour the Korean National Court, the Supreme Court, the National Prosecutor's Office and the Foreign Ministry, and attend an extensive selection of extra-curricular tours and social events that enable students to experience Korean cultural life.

To find out more about this extraordinary program, please visit our website at: or contact us at, 212-636-6728.

Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity!! We look forward to seeing you in Seoul.

Leighanne Yuh
Program Coordinator
Fordham-SKKU Summer Institute in Korea

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

LALSA General Meeting

You are invited to...
with Special Guest: Nelson Castillo, Esq.
President of the Hispanic National Bar Association

Come and enjoy plenty of FREE Brazilian Food and Desserts at LALSA's LAST meeting of the Semester!!

Time: 12:00 p.m.
Where: Faculty Lounge--Stuart 4th Floor
Faculty Lounge

Boston Chinatown Walking Tour - THIS SUNDAY!!!

When: 10 or 10:30AM, Sunday, Dec. 4
Where: Boston Chinatown (Meeting place TBA)
How long: 90 mins
Cost: $6

Hi everyone!
There is an opportunity this Sunday to participate in a walking tour of Boston's Chinatown led by one of the community-based organizations, the Asian Community Development Corporation (ACDC). The tour takes you through the neighborhood, discussing the history of Boston Chinatown from its historical beginnings to the Big Dig to today's current issues of gentrification and zoning. This is a great chance to learn about one of the oldest (but lesser known) Asian American communities in the United States, who continues to struggle against its historical marginalization and disempowerment. If you are interested in participating, please email me, by Friday.


P.S. Possibly dim sum afterwards...

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

AALDEF Internship Opportunity

for Undergraduate, Graduate, and Law Students

The Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF) protects and promotes the civil rights of Asian Americans through litigation, advocacy, and community education. Spring and Winter internships are available for college, graduate, and law students in AALDEF's Voting Rights Program.

In prior elections, Asian Americans faced a series of barriers in exercising their right to vote; for example, ballots have been mistranslated listing Democratic candidates as Republicans and vice versa, lack of interpreters, denial of language assistance, rude and hostile poll workers. Then, when the news media reported on election returns and the vote by specific groups, Asian Americans were overlooked. AALDEF's Voting Rights Program aims to enhance the political participation of Asian Americans and guard against anti-Asian voter discrimination.

Voting Rights Interns work on the following:

* Reviewing election monitoring reports to advocate for election reforms and compliance with the Voting Rights Act and federal Constitution. The Voting Rights Act mandates Chinese and Korean language voting assistance and forbids anti-Asian voter discrimination. This includes legal research and writing, fact pattern development, and working with clients and witnesses for possible litigation.

* Documenting the use of bilingual ballots and reporting on Asian American voting patterns from AALDEF's multilingual survey in New York , New Jersey , and Massachusetts .

* Researching the history of anti-Asian voter discrimination and helping to prepare a report to Congress on the need to reauthorize the expiring provisions of the Voting Rights Act.

* Assess elections compliance with a voting rights settlement reached in Massachusetts , pursuant to U.S. v. City of Boston .

* Registering new voters after citizenship swearing-in ceremonies.

* Conducting research and advocacy on local, state and federal election reform proposals.

Description of Fall Internships:

Supervision: Interns are supervised by attorneys through regular meetings and trainings.

Compensation: These internships are not paid positions, but academic credit can be arranged.

Hours: Interns work anywhere between 12 to 25 hours per week in the office.

Duration: Winter internships are during intersession and Spring internships usually follows the spring semester, commencing with the start of classes (end of January) to the first or second week of May.

To Apply:

Bilingual ability is helpful but not required. Students with language ability in Chinese (Cantonese, Mandarin), Korean, Bengali, Urdu, or Punjabi are especially welcome to apply and languages (if any) should be stated in the resume. Applicants should also state the number of hours they can work per week and a possible schedule.

Send a resume and cover letter to:

Voting Rights Fall Intern Search

Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF)

99 Hudson Street, 12th floor
New York , New York 10013-2815
fax: 212-966-4303
For more information, contact Glenn D. Magpantay at 212-966-5932, ext. 206 or

Sunday, November 27, 2005

BLSA Annual Kwanzaa Dinner (Dec. 1)

Please join us!
Traditional Southern Cuisine & Trinidadian Cuisine will be served!
Live African Drumming!

Thursday, December 1, 2005
6 p.m.
Alumni House (Across from soccer field)

PLEASE RSVP BY TUESDAY to so that we know how much food to order :-)

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Harry Dow Legal Assistance Fund Dinner (Dec. 2)

BC APALSA has 6 free tickets to the Harry H. Dow Memorial Legal Assistance Fund annual dinner, on Dec. 2, at Chau Chow City (83 Essex St in Chinatown). The Dow Fund honors the first Asian American admitted to practice law in MA by raising funds to improve access to legal services in the Asian American community in MA. This year's keynote speaker is Helen Zia, one of the earliest Asian American activists, and the honoreers are the plaintiff-intervenors and their legal team in the Boston voting rights lawsuit. If any APALSA members would like to attend please email Carwina Weng ( ASAP so that the organizers know who'll be attending.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

APALSA yearbook photo (Nov. 29)

The group photo of APALSA for the BC Law yearbook will be at 10:20 am on Tuesday, Nov. 29 in front of Stuart. Please mark your calendar and come and join in the group photo -- it will take less than five minutes!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Job opportunity: GE wants 1Ls as summer clerks

General Electric is seeking first year law students for paid summer law clerk positions in its global corporate headquarters in Fairfield, Connecticut. This is an excellent opportunity for hands-on experience with on of the worlds’ most respected legal organizations.

Practice areas available include Litigation, Mergers & Acquisitions, Labor & Employment, Intellectual Property, and Corporate Governance. Responsibilities include but are not limited to: (1) legal and factual research and writing; (2) litigation support including the review and preparation of documents for discovery; (3) due diligence and document drafting for commercial transactions; and (4) analysis of legislation and government agency regulations.

General Electric is a diversified technology media and financial services company dedicated to creating products that make life better. From aircraft engines and power generation to financial services, medical imaging, television programming, and plastics, GE operates in more than 100 countries and employs more than 300,000 people worldwide. For more information, visit GE’s Web site at

Salary: $22/hour.

Please submit resume and cover letter electronically to
Diverse candidates are encouraged to apply.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Mentor Form

Hey Guys,

If you still want to do the mentoring program you can get the form from the link below.

Either email it to us, or put it in our boxes.


Dan and Zac

Legal Assistance Bureau (Nov. 21 deadline)

The Legal Assistance Bureau ("LAB") is reaching out to members of APALSA as registration for spring semester approaches, and hopes that clinics generally will be on APALSA 2Ls and 3Ls short list of options under serious consideration. Alexis Anderson, the Director of LAB, would be happy to speak to whoever would like to hear more about the three clinics which operate out of LAB: Homelessness (taught by Prof. Paul Tremblay), Women and the Law (taught by Prof. Carwina Weng) and Civil Litigation (taught by Prof. Leslie Espinoza-Garvey and Prof. Anderson). Past experience has shown that both the clients and the clinic are enriched when it is fortunate to have a diverse group of clinic students, so if you are interested and have any questions, please contact Prof. Anderson at

Remember: Clinical Registration closes Mon. 11/21!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

SALSA Study Break (Nov. 16)

Where: Student Lounge (First Floor East Wing)

When: November 16 at 12:00

Why: Take a minute to enjoy some good refreshments and good conversation.

(Refreshments will be served)

Monday, November 14, 2005

Interfaith Dinner (Nov. 15)

Where’s the Faith in Law School?

How should faith fit into law school?
What role does faith play in your career?
More importantly, what role should it play?

Come talk with professors and fellow students about the importance of striking the balance.

5:30 P.M.

Hosted by the Christian Legal Society, Jewish Law Student Association, and the Saint Thomas More Society

Immigration and Navajo Trip Bar Night (Nov. 17)

Bar Night and Raffle for Immigration and Navajo Law Trips: Thursday, November 17th from 8-11 pm at Wonder Bar in Allston. Support the Immigration and Navajo Law Trips and enter to win great prizes. Tickets are $10 and include a free drink ticket, two raffle entries, and Level vodka will be giving out free drinks, so get there early! Prizes include restaurant, salon, and retail certificates, and a pool (billiards) party for 25 at Jillian's in Boston. Look for tables in the cafeteria during lunch hour, Monday-Thursday. Questions? Please contact

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor: Immigrant Civil Liberties, National Security and the American Dream (Nov. 19)

Date: Saturday, November 19, 2005
Time: 3:30-6:00
Place: Building E25 Room 111
45 Carleton Street
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

NOTE: BC APALSA's very own Carl Takei will be one of the discussion leaders for this event!

Four years ago, following the heinous attacks of September 11, the Japanese American Citizen's League of New England, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee of Massachusetts, and the MIT Program on Human Rights and Justice sponsored a conference to compare and contrast experiences on the effect of security crises on the civil liberties of ethnic minorities. In 1942, Americans of Japanese ancestry, citizens and non citizens alike,were forcibly interned in prison camps. In the immediate aftermath of 9-11, vigilantism against Sikhs and Arabs was extensive, private acts of discrimination were endemic, and US official policies were still being formed. The conference found that Arab and Muslim immigrants were most vulnerable. The political freedoms, personal privacy, and economic status of these newest Americans were most at risk.

Four years after 9-11, join the JACL, the ADCMA, and MIT PHRJ in an afternoon discussion:
  • To take stock of legal and political developments in the “War on Terror”
  • To appraise how the “War on Terror” affects Arab and Muslims living in New England
  • To assess legal and political strategies to help protect the most vulnerable among us
Sponsored by American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, Massachusetts (ADCMA); The Japanese American Citizens’ League, New England Chapter (JACL); MIT Program on Human Rights and Justice (PHRJ); The American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts (ACLUM); and The National Lawyers Guild (NLG).

APALSA Alumni Mentoring Program

Dear APALSA Members:

As you already know, APALSA provides a number of services and resources to assist you with your law school career. One of the great resources we offer our members is the Alumni Mentoring Program. This service has proven to be an extremely valuable resource and experience for our participating students in both academic and career counseling.

As midterms approach and the job search process begins, we would like to initiate the mentoring program by asking each member interested in receiving a mentor to fill out an information sheet. As a reminder, the Alumni Mentoring Program is made possible by the generosity of BC APALSA graduates. Their time is extremely precious and as such, we encourage you to make the service worthwhile for them in addition to being worthwhile to you. A worthwhile experience for our alumni is one that includes active participation from our students.

As previously mentioned, please fill out the information form and return the sheets to either Zac Wang or Daniel Park by November 18. You can pick up an info form either at the general meeting on November 10th or by e-mailing Zac or Dan. If you have any further questions about the program, please feel free to ask either of us.

Best of luck this semester. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Daniel Park (
Zac Wang (

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

APALSA General Body Meeting (Nov. 10, 12:30pm)

General Body Meeting
Thursday, November 10, 12:30pm
Room 115B EW

Hi again APALSA people!!!!!

We just wanted to inform you that we’re having a General Body Meeting this week!!!

When???? THURSDAY @ 12:30 PM (hopefully no one has a make-up class!!! =P)
Where??? EW 115B

What's gonna be going on??
Besides updating you on the goings-on of APALSA, we will be having a *maaaad* CHILL open forum to ask questions about fake midterms (not that you should be flippin' out about them b/c they DON'T COUNT!!!!) and a trivia contest in which one lucky team will receive five $5 Starbucks cards (good for those late night caffeine runs)!

So come on down and partake in the fun (and if you're a 1L, bask in the break between OM2 assignments).

Cya Thursday,


PS And as always, lunch will be served (I know you all were waiting for that).

Online Career Seminar (Nov. 9, 12:35pm)

On November 9, 2005, in conjunction w/Westlaw, the minority student groups of BC Law will be receiving a special presentation on how to get the job of your dreams. If you are a first year student, or anyone for that matter, this presentation will serve as a HIGHLY helpful resource and will prepare you for the application deadlines that are soon approaching. My boss, a Westlaw Academic Account Coordinator will be presenting a Westlaw career services program, followed by my presentation of how to efficiently use online resources for purposes of mail merges, etc.

Everyone who attends will receive 500 westlaw points and I believe Pizza will be served! Even if you already have a job, this would be a great time to come and support the rest of BLSA in their job aspirations. We succeed when we work together. Don't miss out on this wonderful opportunity to further your career goals!

Room: 120, Time 12:35-1:30 (Westlaw portion will end at 1 if you would like to come but have another conflict)



Jennifer E. Nichols
Boston College Law 2006

Sunday, November 06, 2005

FAIR v. Rumsfeld Conference Nov. 11

FAIR v. Rumsfeld: Exploring the Solomon Amendment Challenge

At Boston College Law School

Friday, November 11, 2005

The Coalition for Equality, the American Constitution Society, the Federalist Society, and students of Boston College Law School are proud to present this day-long conference on FAIR v. Rumsfeld, the landmark case challenging the Solomon Amendment, a federal law that withholds government funding from universities that exercise their non-discrimination policies evenly with all employers, including military recruiters. The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments in the case on Dec. 6, and this conference will preview the litigation’s many dimensions and implications.

Key features of the conference:

  • Panels exploring the expressive association, compelled speech, and unconstitutional conditions arguments of the case.
  • A luncheon address by Joshua Rosenkranz, lead counsel for FAIR.
  • A moot court, presided over by Herbert Wilkins, former Chief Justice of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, in which FAIR President Prof. Kent Greenfield will face nationally-recognized appellate advocate Howard Bashman.

Please join Profs. Mark Tushnet, Paula Johnson, Larry Yackle, Diane Mazur, Charles Baron, Kathleen Clark, Bruce Hay, Joseph Zengerle, Margaret Burnham, Tobias Wolff, Taylor Flynn, Michael Gerhardt, and many more for this exciting day.

Free and open to the public. Lunch provided, with reception to follow the presentations.

For program information, including event times and locations, go to

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

AALAM Social: "Rack 'Em" (11/9, 6-8pm, Jillian's)

Date: Wednesday, November 9, 2005
Time: 6:00pm-8:00pm
Place: Jillian's, 145 Ipswich Street, Boston. For more information, go to
Cost: FREE

Get out your pool sticks, summons your inner pool shark, and join the Asian American Lawyers Association of Massachusetts (AALAM) at its first pool social: "Rack 'Em." We'll provide the pool tables and the food; you bring your competitive spirits!
Please RSVP: Tina Matsuoka at or 617-727-2200, ext. 2920.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Arent Fox Diversity Scholarship for 1Ls

Spread the word to your fellow students graduating in 2008. Arent Fox has just announced a Diversity Scholarship Program for 1L law students accepted into our 2006 summer program. We will award two $15,000 scholarships in addition to the summer associate salary.

We are accepting applications beginning December 1, 2005. For more details, and to access an application, please visit the following site:

CFE Volunteer Meeting Nov. 2

A CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS from the Coalition for Equality
Volunteer Meeting: WEDNESDAY, NOV 2, 12:30-1:30 PM, EW 200

On Friday, Nov. 11, Boston College Law School will be hosting New England's premiere academic conference on the issues surrounding Rumsfeld v. FAIR, a case scheduled for oral arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court on Dec. 6 that will challenge the Solomon Amendment, the federal law that strips funding from universities that distinguish military recruiters from other employers during the recruitment process. "Rumsfeld v. FAIR: Exploring the Solomon Amendment Challenge at Boston College Law School" which is sponsored by the Coalition for Equality, in collaboration with ACS and the Federalist Society, is a completely student-run conference, and will be the East Coast's most in-depth treatment of this important case. Over 25 distinguished constitutional scholars from across New England and across the country will be featured at Boston College Law School for a full day of panels, a luncheon address by the lawyer who will be arguing in the Supreme Court one month from now, and a full-bench moot court of the case, all in previewing a case that was initiated by students at our school 10 years ago.

In order to make such an event run smoothly, we will need a substantial number of volunteers. We will need help both in advance of the conference and on the day of the conference. All students who can give even a few moments of their time to help in any capacity, from logistics, to programming, to simply addressing envelopes, are invited to attend a meeting on Weds, Nov. 2, from 12:30-1:30 in room EW200. This event will prove to be one of the most exciting in recent BC Law history, and we hope you'll consider contributing to its success.

For more information, please visit:
To volunteer if you cannot attend the meeting, please email

Monday, October 31, 2005

Meet Sam Yoon, candidate for city council 10/31 1pm free pizza


(BC Law Dems announcement)
MEET SAM YOON. Candidate for the at-large seat for Boston City Council, Sam asked to come and meet the BC Law Dems. This is a great chance for you to get to know the person who may likely be your next city councilor. Even more importantly, this is a wonderful chance to get involved in a very important local campaign in the last few days before the election on November 8th.

You can visit the campaign website for info at

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Job/Fellowship/Scholarship Opps - Oct. 30

Please check the APALSA bulletin board outside of the APALSA office for more information.

Southeastern Massachusetts Legal Assistance Corporation
- Attorney position

City of New York Law Department: Diversity Reception, November 10, 2005.
- Tort and Family Court positions
- 2006 Summer Honors Program for 1Ls and 2Ls (deadline: March 31, 2006)

Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobsen LLP

California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
- Tenure Track Faculty Position: Assistant Prof. in East Asian History (deadline: rolling, starting November 1, 2005)

New York State Bar Association, Environmental Law Section
- Minority Fellowships (deadline: December 16, 2005)

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Links to files for Oct. 26 outlining session

To view and download the files for APALSA's October 26 outlining session, follow the link below:

This link will remain active throughout the day of the outlining session; it may also stay up for a few days afterward.

Monday, October 24, 2005

October 27: Diversity & The 1L Curriculum

Diversity & The 1L Curriculum:

What's Identity Got to Do With It?

A Town Hall Meeting

Thursday, October 27
4:00 pm – EW 115A

Do issues of personal identity and experience matter to first-year legal study? How do our social perspectives inform our study of the law? What does the way we handle issues of diversity in the curriculum say about the way we will practice law?

Hear about these issues from Profs. Catharine Wells, Elisabeth Keller, Gregory Kalscheur and Anthony Farley – and participate in an open exchange of ideas.

Refreshments will be served.


Presented by the LSA Diversity Committee
Co-sponsored by: Women's Law Center, St. Thomas More Society, Students With Kids, SALSA, PILF, Lambda, LALSA, JLSA, International Law Society, Federalist Society, CFE, Christian Legal Society, BLSA, APALSA, American Constitution Society

AALAM Sushi Event - Thursday, Oct 27, 2005

To: Boston Area APALSA's
From: Asian American Lawyers Association of Massachusetts
Date: Thursday, October 27, 2005
Time: 5:30-7:30 pm
Place: Hamilton Brook Smith & Reynolds, PC, 530 Virginia Road, Concord, MA
Cost: FREE for AALAM members; $10 for non-members

The Asian American Lawyers Association of Massachusetts (AALAM) is moving out West --- Metrowest! We understand that getting into Boston for AALAM events poses a problem for all you AALAM members working outside the city, so AALAM is moving out to you. On Thursday, October 27, 2005, we are holding a Sushi Tasting Event in Concord, MA at the offices of Hamilton Brook Smith & Reynolds (for directions, see link below).

The Event will be held in connection with the Boston Chapter of National Asian American Association of Professionals (NAAAP), and will provide AALAM members with an opportunity to practice their networking skills on a group of unsuspecting professionals. Meet a few NAAAP members and get to know your fellow AALAM members over Hamachi and Toro (that's yellow tail and fatty tuna to you novices!). Grape Juice will be supplied from our good friends at Welch Foods, though alternate beverages will be available. No speakers, no lectures -- just sushi, socializing and fun. Take this opportunity to catch up with old friends, and meet new ones.

The Event will be free for all AALAM members who have paid their dues for the 2005-2006 membership year. $10 to all others. So renew your membership now!

To register, please e-mail Carol Bowerman ( Attendance will be limited to the first 50 to register, so please register for this great event today! For directions to Hamilton, Brook, Smith & Reynolds: <<click here>>
Any questions, please contact:
F. James Coe
Hamilton, Brook, Smith & Reynolds, P.C.
530 Virginia Road
Concord, MA 01742
Direct Dial: 978-202-3429
Fax: 978-341-0136

Chinatown Street Theater - Sunday Oct 30 @ 1PM

Hi everyone,

The Chinese Progressive Association, Chinatown Resident Association, and Tenant Mutual Support Group are putting together a street theatre event on Sunday, October 30th, at 1:00PM. During the past year, many Chinese immigrant families and tenants from different buildings in Chinatown have faced drastic rent increases due to waves of luxury development in and around the Chinatown community. As a result of this, tenants who have lived in the neighborhood for years are being displaced due to unaffordable rents.

Yet, because of these struggles, many tenants have become very active and involved in protecting their homes and in the movement to preserve affordable housing in Chinatown and beyond. The purposes of this street theatre event are to increase the public awareness both within and outside the community about the serious impacts that gentrification have brought
with it, what tenants have done and the results of them organizing, and what we can do to address the affordable housing crisis that Chinatown and other Boston neighborhoods are facing.

If you are interested in volunteering with e.g. making props, doing outreach, acting, please let me know. If you and your friends are free that day, we hope you can come and support the tenants! Please help get the word out. Thanks a bunch!

Alice Leung
Community Organizer
Chinese Progressive Association
33 Harrison Ave
Boston, MA 02111

Thursday, October 20, 2005

LALSA Bar Review Tonight: Free Beer till 2am

Tonight at LALSA'S Mojitos event there will be free beer all night until 2:00am for BC law.

Latin American Law Student Association

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

APALSA'S OUTLINING SESSION (10/26 at 12:15 pm)

ATTENTION ALL 1L's !! APALSA is bringing you a session to lift the big clouds from your brain!


October 26, 2005
12:15-1:30ish p.m.
EW 120

We will teach you the nuts and bolts of what an Outline exactly is....How to do make an Outline...How to use an Outline for an exam. Three trained like seals 2L's from all different sections will create a sample outline for you using different strategies and formats to help you find what works best for you.

Come with your questions, your brains, your lunch. Learn to make your Outline a success! See you there!

--Brought to you by your Cheerful Asian Pacific Law Students Association--

BLSA Academic Success Workshop (10/21, 3:30pm)


If you answered “YES” to any of these questions YOU should attend

Friday, October 21
EW 200
3:30-5:30 p.m.

Instructor: Peter Wendel, Prof. of Law at Pepperdine University School of Law
Space is Limited! Please RSVP to by Oct. 20

“Students need to understand how what they do before they go to class relates to what happens in class – which in turn relates to what they should do before they take the final – which in turn relates directly to what they should do during the exam. The law school analytical process is a multi-step process, and unless the students see how each step relates to the next and to the whole process, it is easy for a student to fall off track and never find their way back. Prof. Wendel has developed a presentation which tries to give students an understanding of each step in the process and how each step relates to the other. “

Sponsored by the Black Law Students Association

Boston College Business and Law Society 10/19, 12:45pm

The Boston College Business and Law Society invites you to attend our first general meeting of the year on Wednesday, October 19, 2005, at 12:45pm in East Wing 200. The BC Business and Law Society is the first Boston College Law School student organization that is exclusively devoted to corporate law and business. In addition, we are the first student organization to operate in conjunction with the Boston College Carroll School of Management and include business school students (your future clients) as a part of our membership base.

Our goal is to help students explore the nexus between the worlds of law and business. Each year, the Society will sponsor a variety of academic, professional, and social activities for students interested in both legal and corporate careers. We will also bring noted members of the legal and business communities to BC in an effort to discuss the complex and ever changing global market and the corresponding effects laws and corporate activities have on each other.

At this first general meeting we will introduce the current Executive Board, hold elections for open board and committee positions (refer to below for more information), and discuss future BC Business and Law Society events. By attending our first general meeting, you can find out more about our upcoming events and become involved with the creation of future events.

Interested in learning more about events held by the BC Business and Law Society? Send an email to Danielle Joyce ( to be added to our mailing list.

Open Positions

If you are interested in taking an open position, please send an email to Martin Lew-Retana ( for more detailed information on each position's duties and responsibilities.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Raunak Dance Show this Weekend!

Just a reminder that BC Law is performing at Raunak this weekend. Many of the dancers are APALSA and SALSA members, so please show your support by attending. Also, tickets are available for purchase from Molly Agarwal, so please contact her for more details.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

SALSA Pakistan Earthquake Relief Fundraiser (thru Wednesday 10/19)

South Asian Law Students Association’s (SALSA)




Americares ( is partnering ( with Islamic Relief (, an organization that has provided aid to Pakistan and other countries in South Asia for many years. The partnership allows Americares to distribute aid more efficiently and effectively than many other organizations.

We Accept Cash or Check Donations (made payable to Americares)

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Help Defend Asian American Voting Rights in Boston!!!!

When: Tuesday, November 8, 2005
Where: Placements in and around Boston (Chinatown, Lowell, Dorchester)
Time: Shifts available all day from 7:00AM to 9:00PM

Some questions that may be going through your mind...

What is this?
This is another great volunteering opportunity where you can be directly involved with the community and actively involved in protecting the voting rights of Asian Americans. Since 1992, the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF) has conducted non-partisan multilingual surveys of Asian American voters to document voting patterns and to assess compliance with the federal Voting Rights Act, which bars anti-Asian voter discrimination.

What would I be doing?
Volunteers conduct exit surveys at various polling sites, which may later become the basis for voting rights litigation. There are different shifts located in and around Boston (Chinatown, Lowell, Dorchester, and Mission Hill).

Who else will be participating?
I, for one, will be at one of the sites (which has yet to be determined) for the majority of the day (probably 12PM- 9PM). There will also be students volunteering from other Boston law schools and colleges. Last year, students from Suffolk, NU, Tufts, and BU (just to name a few) participated. This is a great way to meet people from other schools as well! Sadly, last year there was only one lone volunteer from BCLS, but hopefully this year will be VERY different!!!!

This sounds awesome!! How do I sign up?
All you have to do is fill out the volunteer form and attend a BRIEF (45 mins) training session. If 15-20 BC ppl sign up, they will organize a training session at BC to make it more convenient for us!

To download the volunteer form, click here:


Founded in 1974, the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF) is the first legal rights organization on the East Coast serving Asian Americans. We were founded by a group of lawyers, law students and community activists who believed that the law should be used as a tool to achieve social and economic justice for Asian Americans and all Americans.

We believe that the laws in this country should be applied equally, regardless of race or ethnicity. We also believe that every American has a right and an obligation to be involved in the communities where she or he lives and works. Our aim is to build an informed and active Asian America that is involved in the civic life of this country.

To learn more about AALDEF, visit their website at:

Still unsure or have questions?? Please Please PLEEEASE email me:

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

APALSA Mentor/Mentee Happy Hour (Oct. 12, 6 pm @ Greenbriar)

From: Susie Lee
Subject: **APALSA Mentor/Mentee Event**
Date: October 10, 2005 5:39:07 PM EDT


yes yes y'all THE MOST ANTICIPATED EVENT OF THE YEAR (hmmm) is here...THE FIRST MENTOR/MENTEE EVENT (from now on called the M&M event because it's like 10 letters less to type and b/c we just so darn sweet...and uh we also melt in your mouths but not in your hands...?) will be this WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12!!!

M&M Happy Hour:
Wednesday, Oct. 12--6 pm
Greenbriar Pub in Brighton Center

This event will be subsidized in part--meaning gotta pay for your own drinks but the company will be well worth it!! I hope to see all of you there...WE HAVE NO SKOO ON THURS!!! So if you have a real good excuse for missing this event...i wanna hear it! (yes let me know if you won't be able to make it so that I can console your mentor/mentee on your behalf!).

WE EVEN HAVE OUR OWN PRIVATE ROOM and OUR OWN BARTENDER (everyone say "THANK YOU CHRIS DAY~!") I even need to talk up the joy of watching (or pushing them to it) drunken heads?!?!? Private room = license to act shamelessly (even if you're not drunk!). After sucks when you hear fun stories followed by "you had to have been there" (yea ain't dat some shit hahah). SO BE THERE!

keep yo heads up for more information (car-pooling and such) on tuesday night/wednesday morning!!

p.s. if you're not a mentor or a mentee...and you're thinkin "awwwwww SHUCKS"...what we have here is an inclusive free love program so let me know if you want to come out (we may be somewhat limited in space depending on turnout but i'm sure we can squeeze some ppl in!)...2Ls and 3Ls i'd love to hear from you--1Ls could always use more help so if you want to be available for help I'd like to know who so I could send some ppl to you with certain questions as needed...

Monday, October 10, 2005

Oct. 20: LALSA Bar Review


Come out and experience Law Review with a Latin Flavor!


Thursday October 20, 2005


8pm-until your palate is quenched!


On a 1st come 1st serve basis


Enjoy free salsa lessons starting @9pm

After the lessons there will be a live

Salsa band!


Mojitos Lounge

48 Winter Street, Boston

For more Information


No excuses guys/gals! If you drive $7 parking @ Lafayette Garage


Get off @ the Park Street Stop on the T.

(For a map scroll to the bottom on the website above)

LALSA will be tabling in the Cafe/Snack Bar with flyers that will grant you and 1 guest free entry @ 8pm.

Friday, October 07, 2005

1Ls now have access to LexisNexis webcourse!

All 1Ls** are now signed up for the LexisNexis webcourse! To access the webcourse, log in to LexisNexis, select the "Web Courses" tab, launch WebCourses, and select the APALSA of BC webcourse.

Although the non-1L courses are still just as disorganized as they were before I became Secretary, I did spend a lot of time trying to make the 1L outlines more organized, so hopefully this will make things easier for you guys. There are several new outlines from 2Ls up on the webcourse right now; as time goes on, I hope to add more.

** Disclaimer: There are a very small number of 1Ls who have no LexisNexis username at all, apparently because they have never ever used LexisNexis, so I could not sign them up. But every other 1L who is a current APALSA member is signed up for the webcourse.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

October 15: Inter-APALSA Mixer


inter-apalsa* mixer

Saturday October 15th

7:30 PM— ???

An Tua Nua, 835 Beacon St.

(617) 262-2121

no cover
drink specials available early: $2 Coors Light, $4 Mixed Drinks

fun and games!

*Boston Area Inter-APALSA is a collaboration of the Asian Pacific American Law Student Associations (APALSA) of Boston College Law School, Boston University School of Law, Harvard Law School, New England School of Law, Northeastern University School of Law, and Suffolk University Law School. Its purpose is to promote education, leadership, community awareness/service, communication, and social and professional interactions among various Asian Pacific American law students in the Boston area.

Ok guys, so it's time for BC Law to represent. We have one of the largest APALSAs in New England, and it's about time everyone knew about it :-)

Congratulations to Zac and Chris!!!

This past Friday, our very own e-board members, Zachary and Christopher, participated in the National Thomas Tang Moot Court Competition at Northeastern Univeristy in the Northeastern division. Teams from all over the Northeast, including BC, NU, Suffolk, Fordham, and Syracuse, came to compete for a chance to go to the final competition at the NAPABA Conference in Chicago. Thanks to Zac and Chris for participating and representing BC!!!

This is an annual competition, so keep your eyes open during the summer for registration details. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Zac or Chris and they would be more than happy to talk about their experience.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Raunak: Intercollegiate Fusion Dance Show

Members of the BC Law community are putting together a dance act that will be performing at Harvard's intercollegiate dance show. Many of the dancers are APALSA and SALSA members, so please show your support by attending. Also, as an aside, I stage managed this show a few years back, and believe me when I say that it's good. If you need directions for how to get there and how to score parking, let me know.



the SOUTH ASIAN DANCE COMPANY proudly presents...

an intercollegiate fusion dance show

October 21, 8 PM
October 22, 8 PM (with afterparty)
Lowell Lecture Hall

Join us for our 4th annual intercollegiate extravaganza featuring performances by:

Boston College
UMass Amherst
Boston University
Mt. Holyoke
and many more!!

TICKETS: $10, available at the Harvard Box Office
all proceeds go to Room to Grow (

For more information or to order tickets, contact

Thursday, September 29, 2005

COMMUNITY SERVICE OPPORTUNITY: GBLS Asian Outreach Unit /VLP needs interpreters

Volunteer Lawyers Project of the Boston Bar Association is seeking interpreters fluent in Asian languages to assist with family law intake. VLP provides family law assistance to low-income Asian clients in the Boston community. Interpreters assist staff attorneys in conducting family law intake and translating basic documents.

· Interpreters are needed in the following languages: Cantonese, Khmer, Korean, Mandarin, Thai and Vietnamese.
· Interpreters are paid $30/hr.
· Maximum time commitment is 1-3 hrs. per week.

For more information, please contact Julie Dahlstrom at ext. 134 or


Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Announcing (belatedly, sorry) APALSA's 1L Section Reps

On Friday, September 23, APALSA had the privilege of welcoming three 1Ls to assist the eboard in serving our 1L's needs. But since the general body meeting was on a Friday, two thirds of APALSA doesn't know who they are :-) So without further ado, here are the section representatives for the class of 2008:

Teresa Hau (Section 1)
Anthony Nguyen (Section 2)
Jessica Liou (Section 3)

Please offer them your warmest congratulations the next time you see them.


PS Don't worry folks, scheduling the general body meeting on a Friday was a one time thing that could not be helped due to 1L profs scheduling makeup classes left and right and the need to elect 1L reps ASAP. 2Ls and 3Ls will have ample opportunity to be fed :-)

2Ls and 3Ls: Please send in your old outlines!

In another couple of weeks, we will have all of the 1Ls signed up for the LexisNexis webcourse, but the outlines on there are all getting kind of old. We need fresh outlines!!

So, 2Ls and 3Ls: Please dig out your outlines and e-mail them to Carl ( Make sure to specify the PROFESSOR, COURSE, and SEMESTER/YEAR of the outline! If at all possible, please rename the file to include this information -- like, for instance, "Torts - McMorrow - Fall 2004.doc"


P.S. to the 1Ls:
The fact that I am asking for outlines right now does not mean that everyone is signed up for the webcourse yet! I am just doing this in advance so that once everyone is signed up, we will have a fresh supply of outlines posted there. I will e-mail everybody once the enrollment process is complete. Please do not ask me about it before then!!!!!!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Info regarding 1Ls and LexisNexis webcourse

In the past couple days, we've gotten renewed inquiries about the LexisNexis webcourse.

As I stated in my e-mail last week, 1Ls will not have access to the LexisNexis webcourse for a couple of weeks. We will send an announcement over the listserv once everyone is enrolled in the LexisNexis webcourse. Until you receive that e-mail, please do not e-mail the Board asking why the LexisNexis webcourse is not working for you. It is not working because you are not yet enrolled in the webcourse.

As I stated last week, the major reasons for the time this takes are technical:
(1) Not all of the 1Ls have started using LexisNexis in your LRRW classes, which means that you are not all in the LexisNexis user list right now. This means I have no way of adding many of you to the webcourse yet.
(2) LexisNexis has a really slow course management interface, which requires me to type in each name by hand and then click through a couple of menus each time I add a person. This means that even after all of you have active LexisNexis accounts, it will take me a while to get everyone entered in.

As I stated last week, seeing a bazillion outlines will not help you much at this point in the semester. However, if you have a burning desire to start looking at other peoples' outlines before everyone is enrolled in the webcourse, ask your mentor for copies of his/her outlines.

Thursday Happy Hour Reminder

Just a reminder that today, September 22, APALSA will be having a happy hour at Sapporo's (81 Union St Newton Center, MA 02459). Read on for details...

Hey All,

Join me and other Apalsa folks at Sapporo's on Thursday at 5pm for
beer, sake, and some food. We'll be there til about 6:30pm or 7pm, so
you'll have plenty of time to go home and hit the books. My buddy's
the chef there, so we'll probably get a few freebies, but everything
else will be out of pocket.


Monday, September 19, 2005

Coalition For Equality: 1st General Meeting

Please join the Coalition for Equality at our first general meeting of the year.

This Friday, September 23

12:30-1:30 in East Wing 200

Pizza and refreshments will be provided!

Come hear about what CFE has in store this year, including (but not limited to):

SUPREME COURT ARGUMENTS: This December, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear FAIR v. Rumsfeld, a case that started here at Boston College Law School, challenging the Solomon Amendment. CFE is a named plaintiff in the suit, and we want to tell you all about it! We'll present a quick overview of how the case got started, where it's going, and how we're all traveling to DC to support the suit in December!

SOLOMON DAYS: We're presenting a two-day series of events this year bringing big names in law and policy to the law school to talk about the various arguments in the Solomon lawsuit and their impact on the future of the country, including gay rights, first amendment law, and the meaning of the commerce clause. We'll say more about it on Friday, including how you can be a part of these exciting events.

PROTESTS: What we do best! Last year, the Third Circuit affirmed what we already knew: that it violates our rights to have a discriminatory employer on campus who forces the school to breach its nondiscrimination policy (see ). So we will continue to protest the presence of the one discriminatory employer on campus. The military is recruiting in October, and CFE is ready to welcome them in style, with ribbons, posters, and other public education tools telling the school community that it's harmful to students when we violate our nondiscrimination policy.

MUCH MORE! CFE is the only multi-issue, grassroots organization on campus committed to representing the voices of those who are silent, under-represented, or discriminated against on this campus and beyond. Please join us to hear more and to share your ideas for activism on the BCLS campus.

P.S. Also join Lambda and CFE this Thursday, when Connecticut State Senator Andrew McDonald, who authored the CT Civil Unions Bill, will speak about the various routes to marriage equality in EW 120 at 3:30. Questions? Contact Vicky at

Sunday, September 18, 2005

APALSA Happy Hour Thursday, 9/22

Save the date: On Thursday, September 22, APALSA will be having a happy hour starting at 5pm at Sapporo Japanese and Korean Restaurant (81 Union St Newton Center, MA 02459). More details will be forthcoming...

SALSA Introductory Meeting 2005-2006

BC Law’s
South Asian Law Student Association (SALSA)

Introductory Meeting 2005-2006
Wednesday, September 21

Join us for lunch as we discuss:

Networking Opportunities within the South Asian Community
Religious Events
Community Outreach
Issues Relating to South Asian Culture and the Law

For More Information Contact:
Kavitha Janardhan

First General Body Meeting 9/23

First General Body Meeting
Friday, September 23, 1230pm
Room 115A EW

Hi there APALSA people, just wanted to inform you all that we’re having our first General Body Meeting this week on Friday afternoon. I know the Friday date might not be the best for the 2Ls and 3Ls, but due to class scheduling conflicts, this day ensures that everyone can attend. As a little extra incentive, door prizes will be given out, and as always, lunch will be served :-)

So come on down and take a little time to welcome the 1Ls into the fold, and meet your mentor/mentee if you have not done so already. You’ll be glad you did.

Cya Friday,


PS For those of you who heard (probably from me) that the general body meeting was Weds in Stuart 315, please disregard that announcement.

Thursday, September 15, 2005




Join our celebration of Central American Independence

& the beginning of

The Hispanic Herigate Month


and learn more about our activities on campus!!!

WHEN: TODAY - TH 9/15/05 @12:30PM


Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Shelter Legal Services introductory meeting Sept. 15

BC Shelter Legal Services:

Introductory Meeting
3:30pm, Thurs, 9/15/05.
EW 115B.

Meeting Agenda
Describe what we do.
Announce training dates.

What is BC Shelter Legal?
We're a campus extension of Shelter Legal Services Foundation (SLSF),
Inc., which is a non-profit organization that provides free legal
services to people via several clinics in Cambridge and Boston.

Through SLSF, law students from day one of their first year can meet
clients, do intake interviews, and manage their own cases under the
supervision of an attorney. Cases involve issues from immigration to
housing to divorce and more. It's common in your first year to have
at least one case that goes to court or an administrative hearing.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Peter Irons on campus! (9/21, 4pm, EW120)

We are proud to have Supreme Court historian Peter Irons on campus to speak about his new book, War Powers : How the Imperial Presidency Hijacked the Constitution. Irons, a professor at the University of California at San Diego, has written numerous books on the Supreme Court and constitutional litigation (including A People's History of the Supreme Court and Justice at War, about the Japanese internment cases), and is a practicing civil rights and civil liberties attorney who played a prominent role in reversing the 1940s criminal convictions of Fred Korematsu and other Japanese Americans who challenged the WWII curfew and internment orders.

Wednesday, September 21
East Wing 120
4:00 pm

Refreshments will be served. Books will be on sale near the lecture room starting at 3:30 pm.

Sponsored by the BC Law chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU-BC), in cooperation with the Asian Pacific American Law Students Association (APALSA), the Black Law Students Association (BLSA), the South Asian Law Students Association (SALSA), the Holocaust and Human Rights Program (HHRP), and the International Law Society (ILS).

Monday, September 12, 2005

Negotiation Competition: Student Help needed this week

Hey all - Carline and I have having a "little" problem w/ the neg competition and need you help. This year, we have 140 students signed up for the neg competition - double the number from last year.

If you could help and please ask your organization students if they can help judging, that would be great - with such a large number of teams, we need all the help we can get and students are needed only for the practice round this week.

We need student/judges this Tuesday 9/13 and/or Wednesday 9/14 from 6:15-9 the actual competition is from 7-9 but we'll serve pizza and soda before hand so we are asking judges to come at 6:15.

If anyone can help, that would be great. Please let me know asap so I can set up time/place and e-mail the judge's instruction to the students volunteering - they can also contact me directly.



Join us at the Constitutional Convention!

Hi everyone,

Please see below for exciting information about history being made in Massachusetts on Wednesday and how you can help!


As you probably know, this Wednesday a major event is taking place at the Massachusetts State House. That day, the Senate and House meet together at the Constitutional Convention to vote on whether allow an amendment to the state constitution to move forward. This amendment would ban same-sex marriage, while allowing for the possibility of civil unions. If it passes on Wednesday, it will move on to the statewide ballot in 2006.

We urge you to try to attend this historic event on Wednesday to protect against discrimination in our state constitution and to protect the thousands of same-sex marriages that have already taken place. Some of us are already planning to be there protesting, watching the debate, and organizing, and we want you to join us!


1) CONTACT YOUR LEGISLATOR! It is *essential* that legislators hear from their constituents in huge numbers between now and Wednesday at 1pm. Please give your Senator or Rep a quick call and tell them that you support equal marriage rights. To find out who your legislators are, go to Calling is painless (much easier than preparing to speak in class, and we know that you do *that* all the time), and it can make all the difference!!

2) COME TO THE STATE HOUSE ON WEDNESDAY! You can take the red line or green line T, get off at Park Street and you won't be able to miss it! The actual debate begins at 1:00pm, but we'll be outside and inside the state house rallying from 6:30 am until the debate ends (which could go late into the evening). Take some time away from school for a different kind of legal education and join us for a few hours!

If you have questions about what's happening that day, transportation or other logistics, feel free to call or e-mail Gavi ( or Vicky (; 617-974-6880) - we'd love to see you there!

Also, consider attending a candlelight vigil for marriage rights tomorrow (Tuesday) night from 6:00-7:30pm at the State House. It's a great opportunity to join the pro-equality community bringing in Wednesday's action.

3) VOLUNTEER! If you have some time on Wednesday to help out or any time between now and then, we need your help! Visit to find out about volunteer opportunities.

4) PASS ALONG this message to your friends, classmates, and coworkers! See you Wednesday...

Emily Bajcsi
Lambda co-chair

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Volunteer for the Silk Road Gala, October 22, 2005!

This year's Gala will be held on Saturday, October 22 at Marriott Copley Hotel.
We ask for your support again to help this wonderful and important event for our clients and their children who are the survivors of domestic violence.
We really need dedicated, hardworking volunteers like you for the success of the Gala.

If you are interested, please fill out the form (link) and return to me via e-mail, fax, or regular mail. (We need to collect application forms every year even from you who have previously volunteered. I apologize in advance for extra paper work.)

I would also like to ask you to please forward it to those who might be interested.
Please feel free to contact me for any questions.

I truly hope we will be able to work with you again!

Thank you,
Koko Oyama

Silk Road Gala 12th Annual Celebrations October 22, 2005, Marriot Copley Place, Boston

Join our efforts towards ending domestic violence
in Asian families and communities
by volunteering at the Silk Road Gala


Founded in 1987, the Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence is New England's first and only nonprofit organization dedicated to providing emergency shelter and advocacy services primarily for Asian survivors of domestic violence and their children.


The Gala is an annual fundraising event to benefit the Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence. This year's Gala celebration will be held at the Marriott Copley Place, Boston.

The Silk Road Gala, now in its twelfth year, includes an auction and features music and performances from China, Japan, India, Korea, and other parts of Asia. Many exquisite Asian dishes are featured in the Gala's menu. 2005 marks the 12th year anniversary of Silk Road, and this year's celebration promises to be extra special.

Volunteers are a major contributor to the success of the Gala. There are many ways you can help.
Set Up (Auction Tables, Centerpieces, Decorations), Greeters/Ushers, Silent Auction Assistants for Guests, Floaters, Entertainment, Production Services, Wrap-up, and more!

For more information, please contact Koko Oyama at 617.338.2352 x227 or email

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Student Help Needed: Negotiation Competition

Hello everyone!!!!

Remeber those negotiation days.... I know it seems like not too long ago but, yes, it is that time of the year again and we need your help!!! All you need is your ILPR knowledge...

We are in great need of 2Ls to judge the practice rounds and if you could volunteer to judge at least one group, one round, or more if you can, we would be forever grateful :-)

The practice rounds are taking place on Tuesday, 9/13 and Wednesday, 9/14 and we have plenty of rooms in the library reserved from 6:30 PM - 9:30PM so we can work around your schedule. This will be the first opportunity for the 1Ls to receive feedback and a great opportunity for you to act like an expert and practice what we "really" learned from ILPR!!!!

Okay, if having the opportunity to boost your ego as the "know it all" 2 or 3L isn't enough, we will serve pizza and refreshments as well!!!!!

Please let me know ASAP if you can make it any of the days/times - we would prefer to have all the teams go b/w 7:00 and 9:00 so that we have time to meet before that for pizza at the BSA room.

Thank you in advance and we hope you will be able to join us.

Roberta and Carline
Negotiations Competition Co-Chairs

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Letter from Diversity Committee of Wilmer Hale NY

September 3, 2005

Dear Student,

We are attorneys in the New York office of Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr, and encourage you to consider Wilmer Hale as you plan your career.

Wilmer Hale offers you the chance to do cutting-edge legal work for leading national and international clients as well as stellar pro bono opportunities, with terrific, smart people in a collegial atmosphere. Moreover, Wilmer Hale is committed to creating an environment where committed individuals can thrive, without regard to race, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation. Since the merger in 2004, the fabric of the New York office has been evolving daily into an exciting practice of increasing breadth and diversity. We hope you will come and meet us.

Attorneys from our office will be at Boston College to conduct on-campus interviews on September 7, 2005. If you are interested in Wilmer Hale, but are not scheduled to meet with us, please stop by to say hello and leave a cover letter, resume and transcript with a representative of the firm. If you are not able to do so and would still like to explore a career at Wilmer Hale, we urge you to mail your cover letter, resume and transcript to any one of us, or to the attention of Amy Keane, Legal Personnel and Recruitment Manager at the above address.

If you have any questions about associate life, professional opportunities, diversity issues or anything else at Wilmer Hale, please do not hesitate to contact any of us by telephone or email. Our contact information is listed on the firm website at

Thank you for considering Wilmer Hale. We wish you the best of luck in both the job search process and in your future career.

Friday, September 02, 2005

AALAM 2005-2006 Kick-Off Reception


On behalf of the Asian American Lawyers Association of Massachusetts(AALAM), I welcome you back to Boston. I want to let you know that we, as the local Asian Pacific American bar organization and local affiliate of the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA), encourage all law students to participate in our activities. Please inform your APALSA of our web site to get more information, including membership applications. Membership is complimentary for law students.

We host a variety of social and educational activities, including a mentor-mentee program and an Annual Law Student Scholarship Award. We also host an Annual Banquet in the Spring. Previous speakers at thatevent include Justice Fernande Duffly, attorney Ralph Martin formerly chair of the Judicial Nominating Committee), Chief Justice Margaret Marshall, and prominent civil rights attorney Dale Minami successfully represented Fred Korematsu in getting Mr. Korematsu's 1944 conviction overturned some 40 years later). Please do not hesitate to contact me, any board member, or the AALAM liaison that is contacting you. We look forward to meeting you and your fellow APALSA members. We are having a Fall-Kick Off Reception on September 22, 2005 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM at Edwards & Angell, LLP (101 Federal Street, Boston, MA). All are welcome. Please RSVP to Donna Longo-Kumes at br />( This is a great opportunity to network with attorneys in all areas of practice in Massachusetts, and learn more about AALAM.

Best regards,
Jeffrey Hsi
AALAM President 2005-2006

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Asian Law Journal Student Writing Competition

Asian Law Journal is sponsoring a student writing competition to encourage legal scholarship addressing the legal issues affecting Asian Pacific Americans. Entrants must be law students currently enrolled at an accredited law school or recent law school graduates. The author of the winning entry will receive a cash award, and have his or her paper published in this year’s issue of Asian Law Journal.

Submissions must be original, unpublished works exploring legal issues that impact the Asian Pacific American community. We welcome focused analyses of individual Asian Pacific American ethnic groups, as well as discussions of domestic or international issues affecting Asian Pacific Americans in general. Possible topics include, but are not limited to: Asian Pacific American political empowerment, the use of “cultural defenses” in criminal law, racial profiling, or Asian Pacific Americans and affirmative action. However, submissions focusing on any legal issue affecting Asian Americans will be considered.

Submissions must be at least twenty-five typed pages, double-spaced, 12 point font, with one inch margins. Submissions should include a cover letter with the author’s name, current address, current telephone number, and current e-mail address. In addition, authors should send a Microsoft Word version of the manuscript via e-mail to Citations must be at the bottom of the page and conform to A Uniform System of Citation.

Entries will be judged on relevance, timeliness, thoroughness of research, quality of legal analysis, and clarity of expression. The decision of the judges will be final and Asian Law Journal reserves the right not to choose a winner in the event that no entries meet our publishing criteria. All submissions will be considered for publication and Asian Law Journal reserves the exclusive publication rights to all submissions.

Submission Deadline: Postmarked by Friday, September 23, 2005

Mail two copies of each submission to:

Asian Law Journal
Attn: Sara Adibisedeh, Senior Notes & Comments Editor
University of California at Berkeley School of Law (Boalt Hall)
589 Simon Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720.

Email any questions to saraa@berkeley.eduAsian Law Journal
Student Writing Competition

Asian Law Journal is sponsoring a student writing competition to encourage legal scholarship addressing the legal issues affecting Asian Pacific Americans. Entrants must be law students currently enrolled at an accredited law school or recent law school graduates. The author of the winning entry will receive a cash award, and have his or her paper published in this year’s issue of Asian Law Journal.

Submissions must be original, unpublished works exploring legal issues that impact the Asian Pacific American community. We welcome focused analyses of individual Asian Pacific American ethnic groups, as well as discussions of domestic or international issues affecting Asian Pacific Americans in general. Possible topics include, but are not limited to: Asian Pacific American political empowerment, the use of “cultural defenses” in criminal law, racial profiling, or Asian Pacific Americans and affirmative action. However, submissions focusing on any legal issue affecting Asian Americans will be considered.

Submissions must be at least twenty-five typed pages, double-spaced, 12 point font, with one inch margins. Submissions should include a cover letter with the author’s name, current address, current telephone number, and current e-mail address. In addition, authors should send a Microsoft Word version of the manuscript via e-mail to Citations must be at the bottom of the page and conform to A Uniform System of Citation.

Entries will be judged on relevance, timeliness, thoroughness of research, quality of legal analysis, and clarity of expression. The decision of the judges will be final and Asian Law Journal reserves the right not to choose a winner in the event that no entries meet our publishing criteria. All submissions will be considered for publication and Asian Law Journal reserves the exclusive publication rights to all submissions.

Submission Deadline: Postmarked by Friday, September 23, 2005

Mail two copies of each submission to:

Asian Law Journal
Attn: Sara Adibisedeh, Senior Notes & Comments Editor
University of California at Berkeley School of Law (Boalt Hall)
589 Simon Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720.

Email any questions to